Aim Dynamics: Types of Current Transformers

Friday, August 15, 2014

Types of Current Transformers

A current transformer is a basic piece of electrical equipment that is designed with two windings or coils. The primary winding takes in an electrical current from a source and transforms it into an alternating current as it passes through the second winding. Essentially, there are three main types of current transformers according to the functions of its construction:

Wound Current Transformer

At its most basic, the wound current transformer consists of a primary winding that is wound over the core in a set number of turns. In this system, the primary winding is directly connected to the conductor that in turn allows the measured current to flow efficiently into the circuit. The secondary current will be highly dependent on the turns ratio of the transformer.

Window Type Transformers

Window current transformers have no primary winding; instead, its secondary winding is placed around the conductor which allows the current to flow. It is in fact the magnetic electrical force flowing through the conductor that induces electricity to flow into the secondary winding for measurement. Some of these can be split core, which allows for efficient installation and maintenance.

Bar Type

Bar type current transformers consist of a simple bar of varying sizes and material (which are dependent on how they will be used), which forms the most important parts of the transformer. In it, the cable or bar of the main circuit serves as the primary winding.

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